How to use a Bad Season of Life to Create the Future of Your Dreams 

I'm serving a 30-year federal prison sentence. I've been in prison for nearly 15 years so far. During that time, I see that most guys put their lives on hold, waiting until they are released to start over and resume life. In the meantime, they live halfhearted, unfulfilled lives. They go through their days like robots, waiting and waiting on their release date—complaining the entire time. 

These guys say they'll be happy and fulfilled when they are released from prison and have their freedom. But then it's when they get a car, their own place, and are off probation, then they will be happy. Next, it's when they get a better job, a better car, and a woman they love then they can be happy. And on and on and on. 

Aside from a prison setting, the free world is full of the same thing. People are going through seasons where they are single and have problems finding a stable, loving relationship or have problems with the relationship they are in, bad health problems, getting pregnant, problems with their kids, problems with their finances, or just problems with their past that continue to plague them, and on and on and on.

They keep telling themselves that once this or that box (finances, job, mate, kids, health) is checked, then they can start living a fulfilling life. Until then, they are just getting by, treading water, distracting themselves with busyness to stave off inner turmoil and discontentment.  

But so many people are bogged down because of their present circumstances that they will miss the joy and blessings that are in front of them now, in this day. Similarly, people are so fixated on their past that they cannot see their future. A pathway to blessings, gifts, incredible relationships, and other opportunities don't always have flashing lights that make them obvious.  

There might be an open door right in front of you—one that leads to your dream life—but it doesn't always present itself as an amazing opportunity—sometimes, it's hard to tell. When you start living for today, you will unlock the capacity to experience great joy and contentment now, which will create the tomorrow you want.

Seasons of isolation can be extremely fruitful. Most of you aren't, of course, in prison, but if life has you alone in prison washing pots and pans, do it the best you can—you never know, you could find favor with a prison official who notices your hard work, promotes you to the Warden's Office, which then leads you to favor with the warden, which then leads to a glowing recommendation by the warden for a Clemency or sentence reduction, which leads to your freedom, which leads to a real career, a great spouse and family.

But none of those doors would open if the same person spent time washing those pots and pans with a scowl and a complaining, bitter spirit. Stop waiting for the future to improve—focus on the here and now.

If you're depressed, lonely, discontent, or discouraged, then help or encourage someone who is experiencing similar issues. There's nobody better equipped to encourage someone who is depressed, lonely, discontent, or discouraged than someone who has suffered under the weight of the same problems. 

While struggling in prison, I started by helping one prisoner with his legal situation, which has turned into a situation that exceeds my imagination. 

Had I put my life on hold until my circumstances improved, I wouldn't be living the reality I'm living today. But because I seized the day here now, it has led to a life full of blessings and a capacity to experience joy in the present while I look forward to a better tomorrow regarding my external circumstances. The personal growth I've experienced has led to a significant character change, which created an attitude and mindset change, which led to meaningful relationships that enrich my life.

God can use isolation and seasons of despair and discontentment as the building blocks for a great future you can't imagine. God can restore the time that you think you lost.

Stop being a slave to your circumstances. Stop being imprisoned by your past, emotions, feelings, or how people react to you.

A relationship goes wrong—thank God. 

Your finances are in bad shape—thank God. 

You got evicted—thank God. Lost your job—thank God. Keep thanking God. Focus on God's promises. He can open doors that will take you to places you could never dream. So much can change in a day. 

Pray for patience and endurance. I do.

Use God's Word to unlock that inner joy and contentment. Pray. Study God's Word. Learn it. Apply it. And of course, be diligent and industrious, and watch your dreams come true.

And stop waiting on a tomorrow where your circumstances are better, because there is joy in this day

Joshua Bevill

Joshua Bevill is a Justice Project contributor, writing articles for our organization regularly. Joshua was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for a low-level, nonviolent offense. He has served 14 years of a 30-year federal sentence so far, and currently has one of the best legal advocates in the nation helping him win his freedom. 


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